I can't commit when it comes to hobbies, so no crafting stone is left unturned. Scrapbooking, sewing, painting, baking, etc... are all explored here!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Christmas Cards

I know that summer just started and nobody wants to think about cold weather or the holidays, but this is such a cute idea for a holiday card!

This was our Christmas card last year and everyone loved it. I was very proud of myself for thinking about it so far in advance.

So if you get to the beach this summer don't forget your santa hats ( I think I will do this again this summer with some variations, and adding santa hats was one idea.).

If you don't go to the beach you maybe you could think of another creative way to take a "holiday" picture. I have a friend who had beautiful cards with her kids playing in the sprinkler in her back yard. I think the card stands out among all of the posed pictures in sweaters with a tree in the background.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Face Painting

I just want to touch on face painting because when most people think of me (at least I assume people think of me occasionally) they think face painter. There are some incredible face painters out there and many of them have been generous enough to post how to videos on YouTube. Some of the best in my opinion come from Sillyheatherb from Silly Farm. Anyway, I wanted to post some pics of my work, maybe it will inspire some fellow scattered crafters to try body art! Most kids really love having their faces painted (unless they are my kids who run when they see me dragging out my kit and looking for models) and lots of adults like it too.

A purple Pegasus

Fly Eagles Fly!

Pretty eyes using a split cake (split cakes are made by stacking several colors together so that when you swipe your brush or sponge across it you get perfectly blended colors.)

A peacock made with a split cake

Friday, June 18, 2010

My First Post

So here we go! I am not a writer and I don't really aspire to be one, but I am a "creative" person and I am starting this blog because I have a need to share my projects. Most of what I do is based on something I have seen somewhere and thought, "I could do that" or "I have to try that!". Then I keep it in my brain until I find a practical application or until I have obsessed about it so long that I feel like my head will explode unless I make (sew, bake, paint, build etc...) it.

My husband (a math teacher, can you say logical!) can only take so much of my chatter about this project or that one before I see his eyes watering from trying not to yawn. My kids(8 and 5) are slightly more interested, especially if I get their friends involved, but if it comes down to hitting AC Moore with mommy or going to the pool with daddy, guess what they pick.

I am hoping to post pictures of my various ideas and finished projects. I am a scatterbrained crafter so who knows what kinds of things will be created. Only time will tell!